Women’s Leadership Training Conference
February 18-20, 2021 – Marriott Atlanta Century Center
The Promise of His Presence: Living and Leading Covenantally
Keynote Speakers: Sarah Ivill, Susan Hunt, Susan Tyner, Paula Miles, Karen Hodge
“I will be your God, and you will be my people, and I will live among you.” The essence of the Covenant answers life’s biggest question, who is God? It also addresses our deepest questions, am I loved, and am I alone? Our lives and leadership are currently unfolding in a socially distanced world that is bruised and broken by the Fall. These ongoing challenges underscore our need for His presence. Maybe you may feel God is distant or all alone in your desire to serve the Church. His presence is not only the distinguishing mark of God’s people but also one of our greatest comforts. Our aim at the 2021 Women’s Ministry Leadership Training is to remind you that the promise of His presence has profound implications on how we live and lead. We invite you to join other gospel leaders as we look to His Word with five keynote sessions and eight workshops to remind you that you are not alone and you are dearly loved as you serve an ever-present Father.
Cost is $285 (does not include hotel cost)
Optional First Timer’s Luncheon on Thursday at 11:45 am – Cost is $17 – This is a great opportunity to have lunch prior to the beginning of Leadership Training as you find out what to expect at Leadership Training and hear tips for getting the most from your LT experience. Enjoy an informative (what DO all those acronyms mean?), high-energy, and personal introduction to LT, complete with give-aways! Plus, it’s a great place to meet people! Last year, it was exciting to see women interact as if they’d known each other for years, but they had just met the day before at the luncheon.
Before beginning the registration process, you will need the following information:
- Are you attending for the first time?
- Are you attending the luncheon for first timers? (If so, be sure to check pricing option that includes cost of the lunch.)
- Workshop Choices (choose 2 different workshops)
- Affinity Group Choices (Writers, Faith & Arts, Pastors’ & Elders’ Wives, Paid Church Staff Women, International Women’s Ministry)
- Medically-necessary Dietary Restrictions
Be sure to register for the hotel separately using the link. Hotel rooms must be reserved no later than February 2 (our room block ends that day and you will not receive the discounted room rate).
Do you have questions about Registration? Email Kathy Wargo at kwargo@pcanet.org or call 678-825-1132. We have a limited number of scholarships available; please request scholarships from your church or Presbytery first.
Marriott Atlanta Century Center/Emory Area – 2000 Century Blvd NE, Atlanta, GA 30345 – 404-325-0000
Hotel rooms are $115/night. All rooms have refrigerators.
Below you will find the reservation link your guests may use to make online reservations or call reservations at (1)-404-325-0000 until the cut-off date of February 2, 2021.
Here’s your reservation link to make reservations:
- Atlanta Marriott Northeast/Emory Area for $115 USD per night
Thursday, February 18:
11 am-Noon – Registration and Bookstore Open
11:45 am-1:00 pm – Welcome Lunch for First Timers
1:30-2:45 pm – General Session – Sarah Ivill – “The Covenant Is Historical”
3:15-4:45 pm – Regional Gatherings #1
4:45-5:30 pm – Break
5:30-8:00 pm – Dinner and General Session – Susan Hunt – “The Covenant is Familial”
Friday, February 19:
Breakfast on your own
9:00-10:00 am – General Session – Susan Tyner – “The Covenant is Personal”
10:30-11:45 am – Workshop Session #1 (Choice of 4 workshops)
12:00-1:30 pm – Lunch and General Session – Paula Miles – “The Covenant is Local”
2:00-3:15 pm – Workshop Session #2 (Choice of 4 workshops)
3:15-5:00 pm – Break – Time to network and fellowship
3:30-4:30 pm – Optional Affinity Groups: Writers, Arts, Pastors’ & Elders’ Wives, Paid Church Staff Women, International Women’s Ministry
5:00-6:15 pm – Regional Gatherings #2
6:30-8:00 pm – Dinner and Table Talk Conversations
Saturday, February 20:
Breakfast on your own
8:30-9:30 am – [Maybe we could have an optional Q&A time]
9:30-11:00 am – General Session – Karen Hodge – “The Covenant is Generational”
Keynote Speakers:
Karen Hodge serves as the Coordinator for PCA Women’s Ministry, where she seeks to connect women and churches to one another and to sound resources. She is also having the time of her life serving alongside her husband, pastor and best friend Chris, as they plant King’s Cross Church in Fort Mill, SC. Chris and Karen have two adult children, Anna Grace Botka and Haddon Hodge. She is the host of the enCourage podcast and along with Susan Hunt, authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership.
Susan Hunt is the widow of Gene Hunt, a retired PCA pastor, and they have 3 adult children and 12 grandchildren. She is the former PCA Coordinator for Women’s Ministry and served as a consultant to CDM. Susan is the author and co-author of several books, including Heirs of the Covenant, as well as TRUE, the CDM discipleship curriculum series on biblical womanhood for teen girls, and Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership. Her new book along with Sharon Betters, Aging with Grace, will be available in 2021. She has also authored several books for children, including Sammy and His Shepherd and My ABC Bible Verses from the Psalms.
Sarah Ivill (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) has been leading, teaching or writing women’s Bible studies since she was eighteen. She has served at the Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership, in Bible Study Fellowship, and as Director of Women’s Ministry in the local church, among other leadership positions. Sarah is the author of numerous books and Bible studies, including The Covenantal Life: Appreciating the Beauty of Theology and Community, and Romans: The Gospel of God for Obedience to the Faith. Sarah continues writing and teaching Bible studies for women, and speaking at women’s retreats and conferences. A member of Christ Covenant Church (PCA), Sarah lives with her husband and four children in Matthews, North Carolina.
Paula Miles is wife to Kevin, a ruling elder at Clemson Presbyterian, mother of Wimberly Johnson (married to Charlie), Janie Gotfredson (married to Duncan), Clary, and Judy, and grandmother to Miles Gregery Johnson. Paula grew up in Anderson, SC and graduated from Clemson University. She has experienced the joy of being both a full time homemaker and a public school teacher. God’s Word is her passion, as well as coming alongside women to encourage and equip them. Paula is women’s ministry coordinator at Clemson Presbyterian, a conference speaker, and serves on the national women’s ministry team for the PCA as a womenâs ministry trainer. She enjoys regular exercise, a good cup of coffee, watching sporting events, and investing in family and friends.
Susan Tyner grew up in Mississippi, but recently hung her hat in Fort Worth, Texas. She is on staff at Trinity Presbyterian Church and serves as an Advisor to the RUF Permanent Committee. A regular contributor for enCourage, the PCA’s blog, as well as part of the Hinged Bible study writing team and Hinged@Home speaking team, Susan enjoys collaborating with other women in ministry. Susan and her husband, Lee, have five children, and an almost empty nest.
Teri Anderson and her husband Mark are Spring Meadows PCA members in Las Vegas, NV. They have two adult “kids,” a son-in-law, and enjoy their three year old granddaughter often! Teri taught high school before beginning her motherhood role and resulting home-based Mary Kay Cosmetics business, training and mentoring women of all ages. She has served as Women’s Advisor to Covenant College Board, and as an Alpha Omicron Pi Board member. Teri has taught Sunday School and women’s Bible Study, and been on Women’s Ministry Teams. Since 2001, Teri has served on the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) National Women’s Ministry Team as a Trainer and retreat speaker.
Melanie Cogdill is the general editor of Beyond the Roles: A Biblical Foundation for Women and Ministry (CDM, 2019). She on the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) National Women’s Ministry team as a Trainer and serves as an advisor to CDM’s Permanent Committee. In addition, she is the managing editor of the award-winning Christian Research Journal and the host of its weekly podcast Postmodern Realities (available on Apple podcasts). She is a member of The Pelican Project (thepelicanproject.com/members/). She is a member of Christ Covenant Church in North Carolina where she lives with her family. She is also a very big fan of modern board games and likes to be a board game concierge for anyone needing suggestions for board games to play with family and friends.
Rachel Craddock is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University and a first-grade teacher at heart. She currently leads the Women’s Servant Team at North Cincinnati Community Church and serves on the Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) National Women’s Ministry team as a Regional Advisor. She is the author of Slowly Unraveled (CDM, January 2019) and enjoys speaking and teaching at women’s retreats. Rachel is married to Michael and together they have four children: Ezra, Asher, Caleb, and Lydia Jane. She and her family are members of North Cincinnati Community Church in Mason, Ohio where her husband serves as lead pastor.
Christina Fox received her undergraduate degree from Covenant College and her Master’s Degree in Counseling from Palm Beach Atlantic University. She is a writer, speaker, and author of several books: A Heart Set Free: A Journey to Hope Through the Psalms of Lament, Closer Than a Sister: How Union with Christ Helps Friendships to Flourish, Idols of a Mother’s Heart and Sufficient Hope: Gospel Meditations and Prayers for Moms. You can also find her work at TGC, Ligonier Ministries, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Revive our Hearts, Desiring God, among others. Christina is on the national women’s ministry team as Regional Adviser of the Southeast. She lives in the Atlanta area with her husband and two boys. You can find her at www.christinafox.com, @christinarfox and at Facebook.com/ChristinaFoxAuthor.
Vanessa Hawkins
Sarah Ivill (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) has been leading, teaching or writing women’s Bible studies since she was eighteen. She has served at the Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership, in Bible Study Fellowship, and as Director of Women’s Ministry in the local church, among other leadership positions. Sarah is the author of numerous books and Bible studies, including The Covenantal Life: Appreciating the Beauty of Theology and Community, and Romans: The Gospel of God for Obedience to the Faith. Sarah continues writing and teaching Bible studies for women, and speaking at women’s retreats and conferences. A member of Christ Covenant Church (PCA), Sarah lives with her husband and four children in Matthews, North Carolina.
Meaghan May currently serves at King’s Cross Church, a church planted five years ago in Ashburn, Virginia. She is a Parakaleo trainer and local network leader as well as the Northeast Regional Advisor for the PCA Women’s ministry National Team. She has five great kids and has been learning how to walk in faith each day!
Paula Miles is wife to Kevin, a ruling elder at Clemson Presbyterian, and mother of Wimberly Johnson, Janie Gotfredson, Clary, and Judy. She grew up in Anderson, SC and graduated from Clemson University. Paula has been a full time homemaker and a public school teacher. Studying and teaching God’s Word is her passion, as well as encouraging and equipping women to understand their design and fulfill their individual callings. Paula is on staff at Clemson Presbyterian as women’s ministry coordinator since 2014, is a conference speaker, and serves on the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) National Women’s Ministry Team as a Trainer. She enjoys regular exercise, a good cup of coffee, watching sporting events, and investing in the lives of her family and friends.
Connie Miller and her husband Mike, just celebrated 41 years of marriage. Together they served on staff with the ministry of CRU, church planted in south Florida, and presently reside in Matthews, NC where Mike serves as the Pastor of Global Outreach and Missions at Christ Covenant Church. Taking on the dual roles as a National Trainer and our International Women’s Ministry Advisor, she praises God for the opportunities to speak at training events in South America, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Germany, and England. She helped co-author Hinged: Vitally Connected to Christ and His Church. They have three adult children and two adorable grand-baby boys, Bo and Grisham.
Carrie Mills is married to PCA Pastor Brad Mills for the past 21 years. She is the mother of four beautiful children ranging in ages 17-10 years old. She is active in her homeschool community and directs a high school class for Classical Conversations. Carrie also serves as CDM’s West Coast Regional Advisor. After graduating seminary, her family moved back to their hometown where they planted Grace Presbyterian Church in Fresno, California, where they are currently serving.
Married to a PCA Army Chaplain, Chandra Oliver travels the globe following her soldier husband. This past summer they moved from South Carolina to Washington – driving through 14 states is a long drive, but the opportunity to visit friends all along the way was a beautiful reminder of one of the “gifts” of military life. Loving a good challenge, Chandra enjoys studying the unique context of each military assignment to see where or how the Life-Giving truths of Biblical Womanhood can be shared in an ever-changing community. Prior to the military, Chandra served in women’s ministry in local church plants and PresWIC in the North Texas Presbytery. Currently, Chandra serves on the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) National Women’s Ministry Team as a Trainer and Advisor-At-Large for Chaplain and Military Wives.
Shea Patrick is a former Alabama lawyer, now SAHM living in Orangeburg, South Carolina. She and her pastor-hubby have four children, including two adopted from foster care. Shea loves live music, reading, and watching reruns of the Golden Girls and Designing Women. She loves her church, Trinity Presbyterian, and serves with the kids, music, missions, and women’s ministry. Shea serves on the Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) National Women’s Ministry Team as a Regional Advisor.
Workshop Session #1 (Choose 1 of the 4 choices offered for Session 1):
A Different Kind of Community—Sarah Ivill
After helping the women in our churches appreciate the beauty of covenant theology, we must also help them appreciate the beauty of covenant community. We want them to understand the danger of individualism and isolationism and the delight of intergenerational ministry in the church. In doing so, we must emphasize the importance of passing the faith to the next generation, remind them of the importance of the means of grace, and help them understand what it means to grow up together by speaking the truth in love.
The Covenant is Global: The Beauty of God’s Gospel Mandate and Global Mission—Connie Miller
Since the beginning of Creation, God gave His children a specific command in Genesis 1:28 known as the Cultural Mandate, “to be fruitful and multiply” and “to have dominion.” In the New Testament, Jesus gives us as His children, the Church, The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 “to Go and make disciples.” Within these two mandates there is beautiful gospel continuity. Connie Miller invites you to explore with her these two commands given to us individually and corporately and how they connect to one another. From Genesis to Revelation we will see the covenant thread that affects all of life as it relates to our walk with Christ, our walk with one another and the call to live out our Mandate and Mission as God has set forth for “every tribe, every tongue, every nation” to carry on as His image bearers.
The Covenant Fuels our Purpose: The Why of Community (our purpose individually and corporately in the Church) I John 1:3—Carrie Mills
What is the Christian’s primary purpose and how does living in community fulfill that mandate? How do we understand what true fellowship is, while keeping the gospel central? Is it possible to live out our faith while not living up to our covenantal vows within the church? In this workshop, my goal is to address these questions and open up a conversation; one that hopefully continues after LT.
Workshop Session #2 (Choose 1 of the 4 choices offered for Session 2):
The Implications for Womanhood—Teri Anderson
Planting Seeds and Tending Gardens—Meaghan May
So often ministry can be shaped by routine and the latest recommendations, but what if we are invited to live and minister with a larger view in mind? What might it look like to serve in both the mundane and marvelous with our eyes on our Maker? Join in today to encourage each other as we serve to consider what it means to plant and tend together as those who belong to the Lord.
Lunch for First Timers:
On Thursday at 12:00 noon, we are offering lunch (additional $17) for first-timers! Find out what to expect at Leadership Training and hear tips for getting the most from your LT experience. Enjoy an informative (what DO all those acronyms mean?), high-energy, and personal introduction to LT, complete with give-aways! Plus, it’s a great place to meet people. Last year, it was exciting to see women interact as if they’d known each other for years, but they had just met the day before at the luncheon.
FAQs to Print:
Here is some information that will be very helpful for you to print ahead of time so that you have this information for traveling!
Directions: Traffic in Atlanta is heavy…allow plenty of time!
How much is parking? Parking is free at this hotel!
How do I get to the hotel from the airport if I’m flying? There are several options. You can take MARTA ($2.50) to the station near the hotel and get the hotel shuttle…or take an Uber or Lyft…or a shuttle…or rent a car. The MARTA ride is about 35 minutes, followed by a hotel shuttle ride (once you call for the shuttle). It can take about 15-30 minutes for the hotel shuttle to pick you up, depending on traffic and their schedule.
My recommendations to you if you are flying:
- Gather some friends and share an Uber ride to the hotel, or
- Take Marta and get an Uber once you are at the Brookhaven Marta station.
More Marta Information:
- Take the Gold line from the airport to the Brookhaven Station.
Are there refrigerators in the rooms? Yes, there are refrigerators in each room (no microwaves).
Is breakfast included at the hotel? No, breakfast is NOT included. There is a restaurant and a Starbucks.
Where should I eat lunch on Thursday? If you are not attending the lunch for first timers, there is a restaurant at the hotel.
Can I fly in to Atlanta on Thursday morning? Yes, if your flight arrives by 11:30, you should be able to arrive at the hotel in time for the first session.
We’re glad you’ll be attending Leadership Training!
See you soon in Atlanta!
We are excited that you will be one of the 360+ attendees at the Women’s Ministry Leadership Training Conference. Below are some details as you finalize your plans to attend.
Marriott Atlanta Century Center/Emory Area
2000 Century Blvd., NE, Atlanta, GA 30345 –
- If flying, you can take Marta for $2.50 each way. Take the Gold Line to the Brookhaven Station. It would be best to get an Uber (about $7) from the Marta Station to the hotel (otherwise you may have to wait 20+ minutes for the hotel shuttle, but that is another option by calling the hotel to request it). An Uber from the airport is about $35-40 each way…if you have several people coming, you may want to consider the Uber option!
- If driving, there is free parking at this hotel.
Other Information:
- Cancellations: If there are any changes in your ability to attend LT, please email Kathy Wargo (kwargo@pcanet.org). Unfortunately, there are no refunds. If you have to cancel prior to February 14, we can designate a portion of your registration fee as a contribution to CDM toward future scholarships.
- Refrigerators: All hotel rooms have refrigerators. You may want to bring items for breakfast and snacks.
- Temperature: Hotels are often COLD! Please dress in layers. Every year we have the same problem…it’s too cold in a room, and then it gets too hot…and unfortunately it just isn’t a problem that we can easily solve (even though we try to address it with the hotel every year).
- Tote Bag: You will receive a tote bag and a spiral bound notebook with all of the speakers’ handouts. You will want to visit our PCA Bookstore to fill your tote bag with other resources!
- Registration: LT registration will be in the main lobby of the hotel. Take time to familiarize yourself with the hotel and where you will go for Regional Gatherings and workshops.
We are happy you will be attending…See you soon!
More travel information:
After you land in Atlanta, you can take the Plane Train to Baggage and Transportation.
You have the option of hiring Uber (or Lyft) to take you to the hotel (Atlanta Marriott Northeast/Emory Area, 2000 Century Blvd. NE, Atlanta, GA) or taking the MARTA (subway) to the hotel.
If you choose to take the MARTA, take the Gold line from the airport to the Brookhaven Station for $2.50. You will need to call the hotel (404-325-0000) when you get off at the Brookhaven subway stop and ask for the hotel shuttle to pick you up there and take you to the hotel. Although it’s a short ride to the hotel, it may take 15-30 minutes for the shuttle to get to you. You could also take an Uber from the Brookhaven subway stop to the hotel.
If you are traveling together, I suggest that you simplify things by choosing to take an Uber together from the airport, or from the Brookhaven MARTA stop.