June to August 2020
Each Friday we will add the new video teaching link, discussion questions, and encouragement for the week.
Our Worship Informs Our Walk
Week 1 – Ephesians 1:1-14
Encouragement from Karen:
I am excited to begin this journey with you as we seek to be more vitally connected to Christ and one another. Ephesians 1:1-14 is a glorious 203-word doxological summit. Paul is effusive in His praise of Christ’s work on our behalf. Understanding we are blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed, and forgiven should make our hearts sing. We will spend the first six weeks of Ephesians unpacking our vertical worship of Christ, and the last six weeks unpacking our horizontal walk in the context of the home, church, workplace, and community.
You and I sisters are products of our doxology. The Doxology is not just a song you sing at the end of a service, but rather should be the lyric of our life. In Latin, “dox” means glory, and “ology” we know from school years is a word or a thought about something. As you dig into this week’s study, you will find countless words or thoughts about glory. But how does your worship impact the way you walk out your faith this week? The word worship finds its roots in the words “worth” and “shape.” In other words, what you find worthy, precious, or valuable shapes everything about our lives. It impacts our actions, attitudes, choices, and relationships. Spend time counting your blessings this week. What is more precious than gold to you? It could be approval, success, control, people in our lives, or prayerfully, it might be the “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!”
Dig deep in the treasure chest of this passage. I can’t wait to hear about all the blessings you uncover this week. It will be a celebration of our blessed belonging. May we worship and walk “to the praise of His glorious grace”!
Video Teaching – Week 1 – Ephesians 1:1-14
Click on picture for the link (new video available each Friday). The 30-minute video lesson is a teaching of the weekly text that can be viewed individually for personal study or as preparation for group discussion or groups can view it together on a shared screen and then discuss. Some may want to watch it first as an introduction and then do the five days of study while others may watch it as a summary. We want there to be freedom and flexibility to engage with the content. The videos will be up on our web and YouTube Page through the end of 2020.
Discussion Questions:
Memory Verse: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.” – Ephesians 1:3-4
[See below for downloadable memory verse]- Go back and look at Ephesians 1:1-14. Which verse did God hinge to your heart this week?
- In what ways was Paul’s life transformed through the work of Christ in him? How do you see the transforming work of Christ in you?
- We tend to notice things that are set apart. The Christians in Ephesus probably stood out from the culture around them. People likely noticed their set-apartness. In what ways might people in your circles see your set-apartness?
- Name the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. Which one is particularly precious to you?
- What does it mean to you to have forgiveness and redemption from sin?
Hinge Point….Walking these truths out this week
Thinking Biblically: Hinge to Christ (vertically)—What is one thing you learned this week about being more hinged or vitally connected to Christ?
Living Covenantally: Hinge to His Church (horizontally)—How can you take what you have learned this week and live it out in the context of community?
Hinged to Heaven: Prayer Requests
Hinged Helps:
Hinged Bible Study Chapter 1 for those who may not have received their copy yet.
Read: To learn more about Christ’s work on our behalf – God for Us by Abby Hutto
Listen: Cultivate connections in your small group with Hope Blanton
Hinged Hangout with Christina Fox
Week 2: Gospel Gap – Ephesians 1:15-23
Encouragement from Karen:
Video Teaching – Week 2 – Ephesians 1:15-23
Click on picture for the link (new video available each Friday). The 30-minute video lesson is a teaching of the weekly text that can be viewed individually for personal study or as preparation for group discussion or groups can view it together on a shared screen and then discuss. Some may want to watch it first as an introduction and then do the five days of study while others may watch it as a summary. We want there to be freedom and flexibility to engage with the content. The videos will be up on our web and YouTube Page through the end of 2020.
Discussion Questions:
Memory Verse: “And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body.” – Ephesians 1:22-23a
[See below for downloadable memory verse]- Go back and look at Ephesians 1:15-23. Which verse did God hinge to your heart this week?
- What steps can you take to make prayer a priority in your daily routine?
- What is one gospel gap that you have in your life right now? (The gap between knowing about God and knowing God, or between knowledge acquired and knowledge applied, or between what I think I know and how I live.)
- In what ways do you struggle to hold on to the hope of your calling or do you put your hope in lesser things?
- Name one or two things that you are currently trying to handle in your own strength. How would next week be different if you spent time plugging into His immeasurably great power that is directed toward you?
- How does Ephesians 1:22-23 describe the Church? How is the Church connected to Christ?
Hinge Point….Walking these truths out this week
Thinking Biblically: Hinge to Christ (vertically)—What is one thing you learned this week about being more hinged or vitally connected to Christ?
Living Covenantally: Hinge to His Church (horizontally)—How can you take what you have learned this week and live it out in the context of community?
Hinged to Heaven: Prayer Requests
Hinged Helps:
Hinged Bible Study Chapter 2 for those who may not have received their copy yet.
Read: Praying Together: The Priority and Privilege of Prayer in our Homes, Communities and Churches by Megan Hill
Listen: enCourage Podcast with Ashley Hales – Hinged to Authentic Community
Hinged Hangout with Lisa Tarplee
Week 3: His Masterpiece – Ephesians 2:1-10
Encouragement from Karen:
Video Teaching – Week 3 – Ephesians 2:1-10
Click on picture for the link (new video available each Friday). The 30-minute video lesson is a teaching of the weekly text that can be viewed individually for personal study or as preparation for group discussion or groups can view it together on a shared screen and then discuss. Some may want to watch it first as an introduction and then do the five days of study while others may watch it as a summary. We want there to be freedom and flexibility to engage with the content. The videos will be up on our web and YouTube Page through the end of 2020.
Discussion Questions:
Memory Verse: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ–by grace you have been saved.” – Ephesians 2:4-5
[See below for downloadable memory verse]- Go back and look at Ephesians 2:1-10. Which verse did God hinge to your heart this week?
- How does it (and should it) affect our daily lives that our citizenship is in heaven since we have been raised up with Christ?
- Describe ways you are showing forth the incomparable riches of His grace?
- Are you resting on the present value of Christ’s shed blood as your only source of power to please God and live an obedient life before Him?
- How do we boast in what Christ has done for us?
Hinge Points: Consider each Hinged Point and how you can seek this week to…
Thinking Biblically: Hinge to Christ (vertically)—What is one thing you learned this week about being more hinged or vitally connected to Christ?
Living Covenantally: Hinge to His Church (horizontally)—How can you take what you have learned this week and live it out in the context of community?
Hinged to Heaven: Prayer Requests
Hinged Helps:
Hinged Bible Study Chapter 3 for those who have not yet received their copy of the book.
Read: Closer than a Sister by Christina Fox
Listen: enCourage Podcast with Tara Gibbs – Living Outward Faced in an Inward Faced World: Women and Evangelism
Hinged Hangout with Shea Patrick
Week 4: Uncomfortable – Ephesians 2:11-22
Encouragement from Karen:
It doesn’t take much to divide us. Preferences, personalities, and prejudice separate. Facing differences is often inconvenient and uncomfortable. We have two choices, isolate or integrate. Radical individualism often fuels autonomy and isolation. We think withdrawing will bring long-term comfort, but, in the end, there is only misery. These self-seeking toxins can leak over into the Church, promoting a consumer mindset rather than Covenant community. Integration or hinging to others takes courage, but it will never be comfortable. When you think about Jesus’ call to us to follow Him, you will find nothing comfortable about His grace-based discipleship invitation. Being a part of the Body and the Bride was never meant to be comfortable.
Unity requires barriers and blind spots to be removed. This week we can rejoice in Christ the Victor, who breaks down walls of hostility. We can take comfort; His peace-making mission reconciles us to Himself and one another. And we can get ready for a little blessed belonging building project. He brings us near. How close you ask? A little too close for comfort. He joins us together in love, so we grow up into maturity. We are living stones, not bricks. It is the fundamental difference between unity and uniformity. And talk about being uncomfortable. He is chiseling, shaping and divinely placing us to fit together for stability and mutual support. As Holy Temple stones, we are interlocked and overlapped so we stay vitally connected to Christ and each other. The blueprints point towards a dwelling place for God. As a radial individualistic world leans in and looks for a place to belong, what will they see? Our unity will either validate or negate the claims of the Gospel. God uses His Word and surrounds us with different kinds of people because He knows these gifts will shape us until we are fully joined together. This Covenant community-building project won’t be completed until we get Home.
“The beauty and blessing are in the belonging!”
(Thanks, Ronjanett, I needed that reminder)
Video Teaching – Week 4 – Ephesians 2:11-22
Click on picture for the link (new video available each Friday). The 30-minute video lesson is a teaching of the weekly text that can be viewed individually for personal study or as preparation for group discussion or groups can view it together on a shared screen and then discuss. Some may want to watch it first as an introduction and then do the five days of study while others may watch it as a summary. We want there to be freedom and flexibility to engage with the content. The videos will be up on our web and YouTube Page through the end of 2020.
Discussion Questions:
Memory Verse: “And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.” – Ephesians 2:17-18
[See below for downloadable memory verse]- Go back and look at Ephesians 2:11-22. Which verse did God hinge to your heart this week?
- Pastor Alistair Begg began a sermon series on Ephesians with an overview describing the location of the saints in Ephesus as their “Gospel Geography”–in Ephesus and in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:1). Where is your gospel geography? Where has the Lord planted you? How do you or how could you begin to appreciate “no longer being far off but being brought near” (v. 13) with your involvement in your local church?
- Can you identify a time in your life when you desired your peace over pursuing peace with others?
- How does this week’s passage challenge and encourage you when you look at ways you personally and the Christian community as a whole are or can be intentional in pursuing unity?
- Discuss the process of being joined and built together as a Covenant community. Can you share an example of His process of fitting you together with others?
Hinge Points: Consider each Hinged Point and how you can seek this week to…
Thinking Biblically: Hinge to Christ (vertically)—What is one thing you learned this week about being more hinged or vitally connected to Christ?
Living Covenantally: Hinge to His Church (horizontally)—How can you take what you have learned this week and live it out in the context of community?
Hinged to Heaven: Prayer Requests – See form below if you would like to confidentially share a prayer request with our Hinged Prayer Team.
Hinged Helps:
Read: United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity by Trillia Newbell
Listen: enCourage Podcast with Sherry Lanier and Ronjanett Taylor on Gospel Friendships
Hinged Hangout with Ronjanett Taylor
Week 5: The Mission to Display Multifaceted Wisdom – Ephesians 3:1-13
Encouragement from Karen:
“…so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known (v.10).”
I have been a pastor’s wife for thirty years next week. We have served three large churches and planted two churches from scratch in five very unique places. Our lives are marked by knowing and loving many different kinds of people. We have walked together through the highest highs and the lowest lows. Sharing life with these saints is one of our greatest privileges. All along the way in the good, bad, and hard, there is a higher purpose being accomplished in our lives, the lives of these good people, and more importantly, the eternal purpose of redemption.
The Church is not just a building but a Body and a Bride. Paul is driving home in our passage this week that our purpose and mission is so vital that it should have proper priority in our lives. We are His vehicle to put on display the manifold wisdom of God. His character is displayed in the richest and multifaceted dimensions of variegated colors. We have been learning wisdom is not merely knowledge acquired, but knowledge applied. How is it applied? In a variety of ways, through various people in diverse sets of circumstances. And witnessing the beauty of this multicolored application has taken our breath away.
We have seen the brightness of a family welcome a child by adoption. We have seen the radiance of a mother persevere through cancer with hope. We have seen the glory of young couples move from engagement to covenant marriage. And we have seen the dim shades of a husband continue to serve the Lord after his young wife has passed away. The Church is the hands and feet of Jesus, tangibly showing us what knowledge applied looks like in an everyday faithfulness. But this spectacle was never just for us. The display of God’s wisdom through their lives is a gospel classroom for a world that is intently looking for any traces of beauty amid brokenness. May they see our Teacher displaying through His disciples the multifaceted dimensions of blessings, redemption, forgiveness, and reconciliation in such a way it can only be explained that it comes from Him. Showcasing His glory is our chief mission each day. To yield our lives to Christ in such a way that from whatever angle the world gazes in, they might see new blazes of His wisdom shining forth. And we get the privilege of walking out this mission together until we get Home because His wisdom is inexhaustible!
In awe of the radiant display!
Video Teaching – Week 5 – Ephesians 3:1-13
Click on picture for the link (new video available each Friday). The 30-minute video lesson is a teaching of the weekly text that can be viewed individually for personal study or as preparation for group discussion or groups can view it together on a shared screen and then discuss. Some may want to watch it first as an introduction and then do the five days of study while others may watch it as a summary. We want there to be freedom and flexibility to engage with the content. The videos will be up on our web and YouTube Page through the end of 2020.
Discussion Questions:
Memory Verse: “This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” – Ephesians 3:6
[See below for downloadable memory verse]- Go back and look at Ephesians 3:1-13. Which verse did God hinge to your heart this week?
- What type of distinctions do you see that can separate us in the Church today?
- How can we actively fight against things that could separate us in our particular body of believers?
- Reread verse 12, as it discusses our boldness and access to God. What do these other verses say about that access?
- Hebrews 4:16
- Hebrews 10:19
- 2 Corinthians 3:4
- How can the Church display the manifold witness of God? Have you become frustrated with the Church? How has the Church sown God’s plan well?
Hinge Points: Consider each Hinged Point and how you can seek this week to…
Thinking Biblically: Hinge to Christ (vertically)—What is one thing you learned this week about being more hinged or vitally connected to Christ?
Living Covenantally: Hinge to His Church (horizontally)—How can you take what you have learned this week and live it out in the context of community?
Hinged to Heaven: Prayer Requests – See form below if you would like to confidentially share a prayer request with our Hinged Prayer Team.
Hinged Helps:
Read: Beyond the Roles; Editor Melanie Cogdill. Essays written by 21 different women
Listen: enCourage Podcast with Carol Arnold on Living on Mission
Hinged Hangout with Shea Patrick
Week 6: A Life-Long Pursuit to Know the Unknowable Love of God – Ephesians 3:14-21
Encouragement from Karen:
“…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge (v. 17b-19a)
Is there something in your life right now that feels impossible? Maybe it is having a clean house or every piece of laundry clean at the same time. What about finding a meal everyone can get excited about around the dinner table? Maybe it is having your inbox completely cleaned out. These things can loom, large, but in reality, they are not eternal. What if you and I committed ourselves to a life-long pursuit of something impossible but also eternal? To give your life to seeking to know the unknowable love of God for you and the world. How would this pursuit transform us over a lifetime?
As we are rooted in His love, our lives would be more secure and stable. Our hearts would be nourished and enabled to grow in unconditional love for others. If we were grounded in His love, we would be able to withstand the trials and tribulations of life without being moved. When love is deep and foundational in our daily walk, we will begin to see the fruit of Spirit which begins with love manifested in our lives. But if you are anything like me, that sounds a bit elusive. How can I experientially know this agape or unconditional love? Grasping the love of Christ never happens in isolation. Comprehension begins in community as we hinge to one another. As we are vitally connected to Christ’s love, we are empowered to live and love covenantally with all the saints. Each beloved family member shows us another dimension of the unknowable love of Christ. As they forgive, endure, serve, and pray, we catch glimpses of belonging.
Over our lives, this pursuit will take us wider, longer, higher, and deeper than we have ever been. The Spirit enables us to live and love supernaturally in four directions. As we go wide, our hearts expand to love the whole world like God because one day, we will spend eternity with every tongue, tribe, and nation. As we go long, we are compelled to keep short accounts and be the chief repenter because His love stretches from eternity past to eternity future. On days when it is tough to love others in a fallen world, our minds and hearts are cast high toward the heavenlies remembering no matter what happens, we are seated with our Father. When we sin and hide in shame, we are comforted God’s deep love descended from heaven to redeem us. And on all the in-between days, we can be confident “neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
You are dearly loved!
Video Teaching – Week 6 – Ephesians 3:14-21
Click on picture for the link (new video available each Friday). The 30-minute video lesson is a teaching of the weekly text that can be viewed individually for personal study or as preparation for group discussion or groups can view it together on a shared screen and then discuss. Some may want to watch it first as an introduction and then do the five days of study while others may watch it as a summary. We want there to be freedom and flexibility to engage with the content. The videos will be up on our web and YouTube Page through the end of 2020.
Discussion Questions:
Memory Verse: “…that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being…” – Ephesians 3:16
[See below for downloadable memory verse]- Go back and look at Ephesians 3:14-21. Which verse did God hinge to your heart this week?
- How does your misunderstanding of God’s love for you impact your relationship with Him? With others?
- What would happen if you were “filled with all the fullness of God?”
- Where do you feel weak today?
- What experiences of God’s abundant power have you seen in times of weakness, in your life, or the lives of others?
Hinge Points: Consider each Hinged Point and how you can seek this week to…
Thinking Biblically: Hinge to Christ (vertically)—What is one thing you learned this week about being more hinged or vitally connected to Christ?
Living Covenantally: Hinge to His Church (horizontally)—How can you take what you have learned this week and live it out in the context of community?
Hinged to Heaven: Prayer Requests – See form below if you would like to confidentially share a prayer request with our Hinged Prayer Team.
Hinged Helps:
Read: Prayers of the Bible by SusanHunt
Listen: enCourage Podcast with Barbara Thompson – Equiping the Church for Kingdom Prayer
Hinged Hangout with Susan Tyner
Week 7: One – Ephesians 4:1-16
Encouragement from Karen:
“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:1-3).
We live in a fractured and splintered society. Race and politics are the current lightening rod fueling divisive words and actions. But in reality, it doesn’t take much to divide us, our age, marital status or whether we have children separate us into groups. Socioeconomic status and work or schooling choices can section off women in neighborhoods and churches. Then there is the snare of the compare, primarily showcased in social media that underscores that we are just not like others in a limitless number of arenas. These divisive forces leave women isolated and discouraged. So here is the crucial question: am I eager or apathetic about pursuing unity?
This quest for unity is a daily calling to walk out the reality of life in Christ that we have learned about in Ephesians Chapters One-Three. You and I do not have the strength or ability to bring harmony and togetherness. It will require Spirit-empowered humility, gentleness, patience, and love. Each of these faith-filled steps has one aim–to be eager, enthusiastic, or zealous to guard or maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Peace is the gospel glue that holds it all together. Shalom is peace with God, peace within (vital vertical connection), and peace with others (vital horizontal connection).
Oneness is not sameness, but rather the beauty of unity amidst God-designed diversity. Unity comes from a Spirit-empowered work inside of us. Uniformity comes from a worldly pressure outside of us. We are unique living stones being joined together rather than identical bricks. The Word offers the God-head as our reference point for community life together. The world is endlessly offering counterfeit versions of community that will never bring lasting cohesiveness. John Stott said, “The unity to the Church is as indestructible as the unity of God Himself. It is not anymore possible to split the Church than it is to split the Godhead.” Our togetherness will either validate or negate the claims of the gospel to a watching world. This broken world is watching now more than ever before and it is hungry for the oneness, peace and belonging we the Church can offer. May the Lord give us an eagerness and zeal to guard and maintain His unity this week!
Better Together…
Video Teaching – Week 7 – Ephesians 4:1-16
Click on picture for the link (new video available each Friday). The 30-minute video lesson is a teaching of the weekly text that can be viewed individually for personal study or as preparation for group discussion or groups can view it together on a shared screen and then discuss. Some may want to watch it first as an introduction and then do the five days of study while others may watch it as a summary. We want there to be freedom and flexibility to engage with the content. The videos will be up on our web and YouTube Page through the end of 2020.
Discussion Questions:
Memory Verse: “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” – Ephesians 4:15-16
[See below for downloadable memory verse]- Go back and look at Ephesians 4:1-16. Which verse did God hinge to your heart this week?
- How did Paul describe a “worthy” life in verses 2 and 3 and how should that make a difference in the way you walk with others this week?
- Look at all the things Paul said there is one of in this passage. What are the personal and corporate implications of each of these aspects of oneness?
- Are you making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace? How do you need to grow in this area?
- Is the Word the centerpiece of your life and ministry? Do you believe in its redeeming, transforming power? What hinders you from doing this?
- How are you serving the church in a way that builds up the body?
Hinge Points: Consider each Hinged Point and how you can seek this week to…
Thinking Biblically: Hinge to Christ (vertically)—What is one thing you learned this week about being more hinged or vitally connected to Christ?
Living Covenantally: Hinge to His Church (horizontally)—How can you take what you have learned this week and live it out in the context of community?
Hinged to Heaven: Prayer Requests – See form below if you would like to confidentially share a prayer request with our Hinged Prayer Team.
Hinged Helps:
Read: Union with Christ by Rankin Wilbourne
Listen: Audio from One Conference with Courtney Doctor
Hinged Hangout with Paula Miles (to be posted below on July 15)
Friends…anybody out there feeling a little disconnected? Maybe a bit unhinged from Christ and His Church? I want to invite all the women of the PCA to study the book of Ephesians with me this summer, using the Hinged Bible Study starting the first week of June.
Ephesians hinges on two grand ideas: being vitally connected to Christ and His Church. Chapters 1–3 take us vertical as we connect to Christ. And chapters 4–6 move us out horizontally as we learn to connect to each other. This study was written by nine women just like you who come from different generations, geographical contexts, and different kinds of churches but the study blends their voices to sing as one. It is my prayer as you gather an intergenerational group of women (virtually or Lord willing in person), you will see not only the beauty in community but also hear that kind of gospel echo in your group.
By joining with us, you will:
- Be able to access teaching videos (30 min.) on each of the 12 Bible Study passages taught by Karen Hodge and Paula Miles. Note this teaching is different than the teaching you would receive at a Hinged Conference.
- Be invited to our Hinged Hangout – A Facebook Live Event each Wednesday night at 8pm EST where we will have the chance to learn from the authors and one another (these are optional).
- Receive a weekly encouragement from Karen in your inbox.
Let’s Get Started
- Video teaching (30 min.) that corresponds with the weekly chapter. They will reside on our CDM YouTube Channel which you can subscribe to here.
- Hinged Point-discussion questions.
- Other helpful encouragements.
Study Strategies:
- Invite women from your church, neighborhood, far away friends, or family to join you.
- If you want to know if other women from your church have signed up, you can email Kathy Wargo at kwargo@pcanet.org to ask for a list.
- We certainly want to welcome anyone who wants to study this individually as well.
- Virtual: You could gather to discuss the study virtually via Zoom or Google Hangout.
- Phone: You could coordinate a weekly conference call to share what you have learned on Free Conference Call.
- Text or Video: You could start a text, or use groupme or voxer to share your a-ha moments.
- Face to Face: Lord willing, you may even be able to meet in person.
We encourage you to dig into the weekly lessons. Each lesson has five days of content to help you. The study includes these parts:
- Encourages women to dig into the scriptures.
- Focuses on having the mind of Christ.
- Focuses on being vitally connected to Christ.
- Encourages women to glean the passage for gospel application, both individually and relationally with others.
- Focuses largely on women’s hearts.
- Focuses on being vitally connected to His Church.
- Opening and closing prayers
- To hide God’s Word in your heart.
- We have these available on our webpage to download.
- The teaching video (30 min.) corresponds with the weekly chapter.
- You can watch them anytime you like. (A new one will post each Friday.)
- They will reside on our CDM YouTube Channel which you can subscribe to here.
Prayer Requests
Our Hinged Prayer Team is committed to praying for you. Please fill out this form if you have specific prayer requests. All requests will remain confidential among our prayer team.
Join us for an optional/relational community building Facebook Live Event each Wednesday night at 8:00-8:30pm EST starting June 3 to August 19 on the Connect PCA Women’s Ministry Facebook page to learn from the authors and one another. There will be fun giveaways and we hope to post the recording of it each week so you can watch later.
Weekly Hinged Hangouts
Week 5: Shea Patrick
Week 6: Susan Tyner
Week 7: Paula Miles
Week 8: Rachel Craddock
Week 9: Lisa Tarplee
Week 10: Karen Hodge
Week 11: Connie Miller
Week 12: Connie Miller
Is there still time to sign up? Yes!
We are so excited that so many of you have already signed up. Here are a few questions I have answered this week. If I don’t answer your questions, feel free to contact us and we will answer them.
How do I sign up?: https://pcacdm.org/HBS/
When does it start? Those who sign up will start getting their Hinged email (teaching video, discussion questions and other helpful encouragements) each Friday starting May 29th and then each Friday for the next 12 weeks.
Can you do it individually or as group? YES and YES! You could do it with women in your church, neighborhood or far away friends. I heard about a group of MTW missionaries who plan to do it together and I loved the story of a grandmother who is doing it with her daughter and granddaughter. We will give you helpful tips and discussion questions each week when you sign up. You could meet virtually or Lord willing in person. You could also do it individually at your own pace.
Is there any limit as to how many women can join? NO, the more the merrier!
How do I access the Teaching Videos? When you sign up, you will get the weekly (30 min.) teaching videos delivered to your inbox. A new one goes up each week and you can watch them anytime you like. They will reside on our YouTube Channel which you can subscirbe to here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDfBMg5dco25vL0wCDgz63Q
How do I get my Bible Study Book? You can purchase your print copy here. There is a bulk discount so buy for a group, save the shipping, and have a porch pick up.
Print Book: https://www.pcabookstore.com/p-6274612-hinged-vitally-connected-to-christ-and-his-church-ephesians.aspx
Digital Book: https://www.pcabookstore.com/p-6275086-hinged-vitally-connected-to-christ-and-his-church-ephesians-download-edition.aspx
Can we see a sample chapter? https://www.pcabookstore.com/samples/14800.pdf
Who are the authors? https://www.pcabookstore.com/samples/14800TOC_and_intro.pdf
What is the HINGED HANGOUT? This will be an optional/relational community building Facebook Live Event each Wednesday night at 8:00-8:30pm EST starting June 3rd on this page to learn from the authors and one another. There will be fun giveaways and we hope to post the recording of it each week so you can watch later.
Still have questions? Contact Kathy Wargo.
Hinged Bible Study on the book of Ephesians
We have all heard we are better together, but what does that look like in real life? The Hinged study instructs and applies the Gospel in the context of community for God’s glory! It was written by nine women from CDM’s National Women’s Ministry Team. Each brings her own unique voice, experiences, and a love for Christ and His Church to this study of Ephesians. It is a study about blessed belonging and how God unites us in His beautiful bride.
Authors: Rachel Craddock, Christina Fox, Karen Hodge, Paula Miles, Connie Miller, Shea Patrick, Lisa Tarplee, Ronjanett Taylor, and Susan Tyner.
Binding: Coil Binding | Chapters: 12 | Page Count: 210 | |
Hinged Birmingham, Delaware, San Diego, San Antonio, and Chicago Conferences have been canceled for this Fall but instead…
We hope you will join us for Hinged @ Home…a Catalyst for Community
Click here for more information; registration will begin August 15.