Starting in 1974, women in the PCA have supported an annual love gift to promote denominational connectionalism and demonstrate our corporate helper-design as women in the church. The money is raised in various ways such as donations, fundraisers, etc. The Women’s Love Gift has blessed committees and agencies such as MNA’s Special Needs Ministries, MTW’s efforts to support the Gonaives, Haiti, Children’s Home, and other such ministries. Showing the annual Women’s Love Gift in your church does several things: Educates the people in the pew, promotes unity and greater understanding of the PCA, and provides good opportunities for monies to be appropriately channeled to specific ministry needs. Below you will find information on the ministry we are supporting this year.
Equipping and training students on the college campus to hold fast to their need for the gospel.
More than just a ministry on the university campus, Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) seeks to be a ministry for the university. RUF strives to serve in this unique stage of a student’s life, exploring together how the Lordship of Christ informs every area of life.
RUF Campus Staff are a vital component of reaching female students with the message of the gospel. Serving under an ordained campus minister, our female staff are able to go in conversation and in relationship with women to a place that a man cannot. RUF Staff are a fundamental component of the RUF ministry as they disciple, teach, lead Bible studies, and do so much more to actively pursue the future women leaders of the PCA and evangelize the lost on the college campus.
The Women’s Ministry Love Gift for 2015 will benefit the work of RUF, and particularly the work of RUF Staff on the college campus.
Your gift of $25, $50, $100 or more will equip women to better understand the gospel. Our goal is to raise $100,000 with which we hope to invest in RUF Staff program development, new campus ministries, theological education, and discipleship. RUF Staff are able to connect and mentor women with grace in a way that enables them to better equip and train women on the college campus for a lifetime of ministry. By investing in RUF, you are investing in the future church.
If you’d like a way to promote this year’s love gift at your church then view the video below explaining RUF’s need or click here to order the same video in DVD format. We also have bulletin inserts available, click here to order those. (There is no charge for the DVD or bulletin inserts.)
How to Give
If you would like to contribute towards this love gift contact the Women’s Ministry Coordinator at your church or click here to make a contribution online. (The link will bring you to the general CDM online giving tool-just select ‘PCA Women’s 2015 Love Gift’ when prompted to designate the contribution.)
If you have any questions about this love gift, click here to contact your regional adviser.
Ordering and Useful Information:
- The DVD and bulletin inserts are available at no charge. Order from the PCA Bookstore using the links below:
- Click here for ideas and information on presenting the Love Gift in your church.
- View the Love Gift video by scrolling down, or clicking here.