Knowing His Great Name
By Michael and Rachel Craddock – PCA
The unfolding story of Scripture shows us the greatness of the God we are privileged to know.
This is an invitation to come alongside us into the stories where God’s character is revealed.
Each of the twelve units is composed of four major sections: Knowing the Context (the Old Testament story in which the name is given), Knowing His Great Name (the meaning of the name and God’s attributes and character), Knowing the Christ Connection (manifestation in the New Testament), Knowing Yourself and Being Known (how God’s name affects personal identity and living in community).
Those who purchase the Bible study will be able to download a FREE copy of the Leader’s Guide through September 30, 2022.
Author bios:
Michael Craddock is a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary (MDiv) and is an ordained pastor in the PCA who has served in a variety of roles in the local church including as an associate staff member with Life-On-Life Ministries. Rachel Craddock is the author of Slowly Unraveled: Changed from the Inside Out and enjoys teaching and speaking at women’s events. Together, they are the parents of Ezra, Asher, Caleb, and Lydia Jane.