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CDM Update – Spring 2021



In order to see God’s kingdom advance, CDM strives to serve church planters and smaller congregations. We rejoice when churches, who are using CDM resources, transition to financial partnerships so that other congregations can benefit. In 2020, we welcomed Resurrection Community Church and Christ Presbyterian Church.

“As a church planter, I’m responsible for everything. It’s good I can turn to CDM to help me provide for the congregation.”

In Virginia Beach, VA, Jimmy Brock is pastor of a mission church of 40-50 members. The leadership began supporting CDM for reasons that are philosophical and practical: partnering with General Assembly ministries to be a connectional church and experiencing how CDM connects smaller churches to resources. According to Jimmy, “We don’t have people to create and evaluate resources. CDM helps by connecting us to people and resources we can trust.”

— Jimmy Brock, Resurrection Community Church, Virginia Beach, VA

“CDM points me to resources I would never come across. I just don’t have the time to sort through all that I find on the Internet.”

When Eric Zellner considered church planting in Auburn, AL, he envisioned a distinctly PCA church providing an outward-facing, winsome expression of the Reformed faith. As the church particularized in August 2020 with over 150 members, Eric already knew people look to the pastor to provide recommendations for resources. CDM helps by pointing him to resources he can trust.

In speaking to the Session about partnering with CDM, Eric realized it is easy to overlook ministries which serve the basic needs of leaders. The elders readily agreed to help CDM provide a clear path for others to get the resources they want and need.

— Eric Zellner, Christ Presbyterian Church, Auburn, AL


…in a year that required a major ministry pivot

42 churches invested in CDM’s Certification for their Children’s Ministry staff

Women’s Hinged Summer Bible Study participants — 2,308

255 attendees at the Children’s Ministry Training Conferences

Hinged Conference participants in person and @Home — 1,250

10,635 Bookstore orders fulfilled

Women’s Ministry Leadership Training Conference attendees — 1,023

and donations from 623 churches and individuals made this possible



The 42 STUDENTS of the 2020 Children’s Ministry Certification class completed 12 months of online instruction. Here’s a look at the churches:

Smallest: Central Hope PCA, Little Rock, AR — 35 members, 8 children

Largest: Grace PC, Peoria, IL — 1,975 members, 650 children

Farthest: Iglesia LeTravesia, San Juan, Puerto Rico — 90 members, 20 children

Our congregation has benefited from our director’s growth theologically and in understanding the importance of how we minister to our covenant children. — Northeast Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC

Our children’s director has found ways to improve our ministry to children and train our congregation to purposefully join in that ministry. — Providence Presbyterian Church, York, PA

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