What’s SHE Doing Here? study at Pear Orchard PC
Sometimes a shameful past hinders our freedom in the gospel. We wonder if God can really use us with the “baggage” we carry. This summer, CDM partnered with Susan Tyner from Trinity PC in Ft. Worth, TX to offer a study on the lives of the messy women in the genealogy of Jesus, entitled What’s SHE Doing Here? Over 3800 women from around the world participated in the study. Megan Halter was a member of a group at Pear Orchard PC in Ridgeland, MS.
Megan (pictured left) struggled with giving her testimony because of her messy past. God used the study to open her eyes to His incredible work in her life. For years, she could only see the shame associated with her sin, but now she better understands the glorious work of His mercy. God transforms her dark and messy past in a way that glorifies His steadfast love and forgiveness.
Tammie Haynes
Women’s Ministries Director of Pear Orchard PCA
GROW Virtual Conference and Loch Raven
How can an occupational therapist learn how to be a fruitful Children’s Ministry (CM) Director? Brea Duty at Loch Raven PC in Parkville, MD, started by attending a CDM Leadership Training Retreat (LTR). That led to enrolling as a student in the 2020 CM Certification class. Last spring, she heard about the GROW virtual training. Her husband is an elder, and the Session agreed this would be a good way to train all of the volunteers. Their 150- member church is going through change with 31 children from birth through high school. Brea’s desire was to set a course based on God’s Word and relational connections in the whole church community. Her team was grateful for how the training edified and motivated them to best serve the children of the congregation.
Brea and Brian Duty
Loch Raven PCA
CDM Continues to Make Ministry Connections
43 volunteers provide leadership on CDM Ministry Teams
Women’s Summer Bible Study participants – 3800
255+ Individuals from 80 churches were trained via Children’s Ministry Grow Virtual Conference 1250
enCourage Podcast weekly listeners – 1250
8250 enCourage Blog monthly readers
International Women’s Conferences (Ireland and England) attendees – 1650
177 men provided invaluable feedback for emerging Men’s Ministry